Monday, May 27, 2013

I have moved my blog!

I needed to move my blog because of a long story about complicated logins and old email addresses...

Here is my new permanent home: 

Monday, May 13, 2013

Breastfeeding tips

  • Even with baby #3, I needed the help of a lactation consultant.  The first 6 weeks breastfeeding Zoe were excruciating, with teagan and richmond it was only the first two weeks, so there is improvement.  Get a lactation consultant!
  • I came up with a trick that helped me with my 2 week old son.  He latched okay, but then immediately would finagle a clamped down tight lipped latch.  I started just pulling his lower lip down with my thumb and holding it that way until be latched.  Even if he didnt open as wide as the ideal, if that lip was pulled don it was okay.