Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Emily's Registry Picks (Must Haves and Must-Nots)

Having two of my closest friends from childhood both pregnant with baby #1 has inspired me to write all the "mommy stuff" I've learned down before it leaks out with my breast milk in 10 weeks.

Mimi and Rachel are my very first pre-Mommy friends to have babies, so it's been really fun chatting with them and remembering what it's like to be on that journey for the first time.  I wish so much that we lived closer (one is in L.A. and one in Philly) and could have lunch every week, but am grateful for how easy it is to call/Skype.  Mimi and I became kindred spirits instantly when she transferred high schools and joined Drama Club-- the bond deepened after dual breakups plus one of those days in the wilderness where you're put through several "trust" exercises which I took too seriously and Mimi laughed through.  Rachel and I declared our best friendship---as you do in 7th grade--- on March 17, 1993.  Twenty years later, we're both due with baby boys 7 weeks apart.

I'm going to post some of the stuff I've been sharing with them--  as usual, use what's helpful and toss the rest!

Emily's Must Haves:
- A Moby wrap for months 0-4

-A Two Mommas Half-Buckle Carrier for 4 mos- 4 yrs old (yes, I am serious-- and I have tried 11 carriers over 5 yrs-- I love wearing my babies) I also love that it's just 2 moms hand-making each one

-Best nursing bra of all time--hands down-- and I have spent over $1500 on bras since I got pregs in 2006 OMG... Elomi nursing bra--and best bra site ever:

-Best sleep bra:  La Leche League Sleep Bra 

-Aden & Anais Swaddle blankets

-Fav diapers:  Target brand + target wipes in blue package (T had a very bad reaction to the chemicals in Pampers, her poor little vulva got burns!  So I tried EVERY type of diaper when she was 1 mo. old-- I mean EVERY kind-- and Target brand won out for me).  I have heard girls like Pampers and boys like Huggies--but I am OFF Pampers since they added that DryMax crap in 2010 (lots of girls got the burns).

-Bouncy seat--all my girls used this, love it:

-Swing-- your baby will either love or hate it-- with both girls it always calmed them the first 6 mos or so.  We have had 5 swings, this is my fav.  Anything without a plug and you will use $30 of batteries a month. 

-Big exercise ball-- Daddy figured this one out-- both girls loved to be bounced to sleep by daddy on this and it allowed him to sit

-My fav lullaby CD:

-For later on-- Signing Time--it uses true ASL (some other brands are just silly made up "baby" signs) and it is an amazing organization  (both my girls sign, and this is how they learned--by 1 yr old)

-Boppy pillow-- it's not the greatest nursing pillow ever, but with both girls, I laid them on it in bed and that is how I co-slept with them-- I know it's not "recommended" but I love it for that

-I would like to TRY this nursing pillow, but I cannot recommend for or against it yet:

-Name & number of a lactation consultant who does house calls (it makes a big diff. to have them come to your home)

-An infant seat that rear faces to 30 lbs

-My double BOB stroller (but stroller is really personal, you have to figure out what'll work for you!) with swivel front wheel

-Mirror to put up on headrest so you can see baby in car

-Burp cloths (aka Gerber old style cloth diapers)

-baby tylenol

-Hyland's Teething Tablets (by 4 mos)

-Amber teething necklace (I swear by this) got mine here: 
the lighter the color better it works

-Crib:  do not get a drop side (it is no longer legal anyway).  You dont really need one for awhile anyway dep. what you decide.  I didnt use one till 6 mos with either baby

-Pack n Play- these are great to leave in the living room so you dont have to schlep--this is close to what we have:

-One of my fav things I did with both girls was make them personalized stationery at so I could send thank you notes.  (They are really cheap there esp if you wait for a sale).  I got 100 at once and Z's lasted til she was 4!  :)

--Breast shells (not shields-- I wouldn't rec. shields, tho I know 2 moms who swear by them).  I dont know if you'll need these or not-- I used them with both girls for about 4 weeks.  My opinion is--- the MOST imp. thing for you to have prepared before baby comes is your boobs.  Nursing pillow, nursing bra, breast shells, coconut oil, etc--- because from 1 minute old you need that stuff-- the baby only cares about your boobs, not cribs or anything else.  The breast shells helped me because it gives them some space to absorb the coconut oil and not rub against fabric--- I found them priceless the first few weeks.  Anyway-- when you want these things, you do NOT want your husband leaving you even for an hour, or wait for you want it in 1 second!  I think it's worth the $10 even if you don't use it, because at 3am you'll be glad if you end up wanting the stuff.  

-I also really liked the cloth nursing pads--- I stopped leaking at 10 weeks with both--but I like the cloth ones better, just my personal thing!  

-100% Virgin Coconut Oil—so important!  For use on nipples before and after each feeding--- natural antifungal + prevents thrush + makes it too slippery for baby to really hurt you.  Get a jar (shelf stable for 2 yrs) and buy a bottle —wash that bottle out, and keep coconut oil in it so you can use the dropper to apply it.

-My fav. Diaper bag is the Skip Hop bag because it comes with special clips to clip to a cart or stroller, and once I had 2 kids, I lost the “spot” for my bag, so it was great

-I got a pencil pouch and in it I put: band aids, Neosporin, nail clippers, baby spoons, straws, indiv. Clean Well wipes, hand sani, comb, etc—put it in my diaper bag.

-Nursing bracelet (you can use any bracelet you have and just switch wrsts, or order one of these

Emily's "Why did I waste my money on this stupid thing?":
- A Maya wrap (esp for bigger boob mamas, sucky)
-Any other swaddle blanket people say they like  ;)
-Any nursing cover-- I tucked an Aden & Anais blanket into my bra strap and it was way easier and just the most amazing material
-Cloth diapers-- okay I have never used them, BUT I have watched four friends' kids that wore them and had to change them and I couldn't handle it--even just pee... and I am VERY eco-friendly!  But, I don't regret using disposable.
-Any swing that had no plug-- we went thru 4 that all pooped out
-wipe warmer, bottle warmer
-umbrella stroller
-Moses basket 

A great new registry site where you can put ALL the stores on one site: 

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