Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Luxuries" From Pregnancy #1 OR "Enjoy Your First Pregnancy"

ENJOY your first pregnancy!

Here are just some of the "luxuries" I miss from pregnancy #1...

1.  Not having two crazy tiny people constantly running and butting into my stomach

2.  Being #1 in line in my house to pee... not being trumped by a potty training toddler

3.  Dozing off... NOT to be awakened by a 5 year old whining about needing help getting the glue out of the bottle... even though Mommy had set her up nicely with everything she needed in hopes of a 20 minute nap

4.  Seeing my husband in our bedroom... mostly I see him in the hall now   ;)

5.  Quietly waiting for things

6.  Just carrying the inner child without anyone else hanging off of my outsides

7.  Using my energy for my own projects.

8.  Being able to skip making dinner any night I wanted, or several in a  row

9.  Setting up baby things without fear of them being taken over as "new toys"

10.  Reading a book or mag in the waiting room of prenatal visits vs. wrangling snacks and activities to keep my toddler from melting down

11.  The only thing waking me up at night was from stuff going on from the child INSIDE, no one on the outside.

12.  Not having two tiny sidekicks who are oblivious to my plight.

13.  Updating people on my pregnancy without realizing they don't care.

14.  Thinking since I'd be breastfeeding I'd be losing the babyweight in 3 months.

15.  Knowing my parenting style... I knew it way better before I had kids.  :)

All of that said... it's kind of a funny time, these last 3 weeks before baby #3 is due.  I do actually love watching my daughters get excited, bored, inquisitive-- all waiting for their brother.  And it's nice to hear them vocalize what I feel... "How much longer!?"  Also, I feel like my husband and I spend a lot more time laughing about how nuts we must be and feeling closer in our partnership versus being worried about unknowns.

Still... enjoy your first pregnancy!


  1. Well said, Emily. We never appreciate our first pregnancy until the next one begins! Best of luck to all of you! Xxxjane

  2. Very nice photo, You can find for your girls amber necklace here
