Monday, July 2, 2012

How to send your coupons in to the DuBow Preschool

The "New" Tzedakah

One family's recycling could be the preschool's treasure!
We have started a Coupon Team at the DuBow Preschool-- a team put together in an effort to reduce costs without actually reducing what we get.
Our goal is to get at least 50% participation from preschool families to bring in their coupon inserts from Sunday's paper.
(Don't get a Sunday paper?  Consider a subscription to give to the preschool!)
The Coupon Team will use those coupons to shop for snacks, paper products, etc. for the preschool at lowest possible cost.

In each Sunday paper, you'll find two inserts: 
Smart Source &
Red Plum

the FIRST weekend of every month you will also find a:
P&G insert (Proctor & Gamble).

There are NO coupons on holidays.

This might be the new trend for Tzedakah!

1.  Remove all coupon inserts from the newspaper on Sunday
2.  Cut out any coupons you plan to use, keeping the booklet in order
3.  Please put the booklet AS IS into your child's school folder, do NOT cut out coupons-- (we can cross reference the coupon inserts to find specific coupons, it makes it much faster)
4.  If you come across loose coupons or printable coupons, please send those, too.

Are you an avid couponer?  Want to join the team?
Email Shereen!

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