Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Food Prepping for the Week

I can't tell you how many things I have looked up on Pinterest to try to get my food situation for my family of 4 (soon to be 5) organized, budget-trimmed, and non-food-wasting by Jan. 1, 2013.

Well, here are my first efforts.

My inspiration comes from this blog:
(You can also find her various Mason Jar Salad recipes there.)

I do think of all the things I have read, the most important is to PREP everything before you put your groceries away right when you get home.  So-- if you buy a bag of carrots--- wash and cut them up before they ever enter the fridge.

I also bought a bunch of square and rectangle storage in different sizes for easier fits (than circles).  I wish they were ALL glass, but the plastic was under $1 each compared to $9 for the glass Versaware I covet (and own 3 pieces of).  My hope is to slowly replace these and meanwhile ONLY use them to store and organize fresh foods (never anything hot, etc).  I am thinking of them as organizational bins.  The size I used the most of were the 64 oz rectangular bins.

First-- I tried all sorts of "The Perfect Grocery List", but in the end, I  used this list, which I love-- I hope that link has longevity-- it's: http://www.grocerylists.org/ultimatest/
I use the vegetarian one.

So-- my prep this week consisted of:

-Cleaning out the entire fridge and freezer and labeling shelves
-5 smoothies
-24 applesauce oatmeal muffins
-Cut veggies: cauli, broccoli, carrots, peppers
-1 mason jar salad (want to see how we like it first)
-2 school lunches
-Hard boiling 8 eggs
-Prepping 1 bag dry black beans
-Prepping 1 cup (dry) steel cut oats

It wasn't terribly exhaustive-- the hardest part as I'm sure many of you moms know-- was doing this with my 5 and 2 yr olds running around.  (Last day of Winter Break can be rough.)  It took me 3 hours including all interruptions, but I wasn't terribly efficient this time.

Here are some pictures that I hope help you kickstart your own prep.  I'd like to have done more, but am 6 mos pregnant and figured I'd start slow.  My goal is to be in the swing of this by the time baby comes, otherwise, it'll for sure be another thing I pinned the crap out of and only did once.  ;)  Most blogs I saw said it takes them just 60-90 minutes now to prep for the week.

Definitely worth it to me for the two biggest reasons:
1.  Waste less money
2.  Waste less time during the week
(I know healthy snacks for weight loss are many peoples top reason, but right now I want to save time and money!)

Good luck!

#1 Applesauce Muffins
These will be my go-to breakfast item-- for the entire family.
NO butter in these!  :)
I followed the recipe exactly, except I doubled it, used 2 whole eggs, and used an entire jar of organic applesauce--24 oz.  (Which is just a few extra tbsps applesauce).  
These are DENSE, but pretty healthy, and go great with a cup of tea.

#2 Smoothies
5 ziplocs-- in each one:
1 cut up banana, 4 frozen strawbs, 1 tbsp flax meal, 2-3 spinach leaves
Grab one, dump in blender & add 1 cup almond milk for a smoothie

#3 Veggies
 Cut up carrots (I don't peel, I like the skin, but peel now if you are a peeler.)  Cut up broccoli, celery, cauli, red and green peppers, etc-- put a small amount of fresh water at the bottom of the containers of celery & carrot.
 #4 Mason Jar Salad-- 
on the site I reference above, she has tons of different mason jar salads-- they stay good for 5 days and you just put dressing in and shake it up!
 Applesauce muffins are cooled and going into storage-- the 64 oz container fits 12 muffins.  12 into the freezer, and 12 on the counter.
 2 school lunches (adult and 5 yr old)-- I just kept taking leftovers and putting them into their lunches as I prepped.
 12 muffins and the 5 smoothies in the freezer-- sectioned off in their bins  :)
My two "prep shelves"-- food prepped & ready to be added to something...
 Cut up veggies, hardboiled eggs, beans, grapes, cooked steel cut oats all on my "prep" shelf.
Fridge cleaned out!!!!
Top- Drinks, yogurt, eggs
Next 2- Prep shelves
Drawer- Cheeses/Dairy
Shelf under dairy drawer- Leftovers
Top drawer- Salad Veggies
Bottom drawer- Other Veggies (broc, etc), Fruit
 My girls (2 and 5 yrs) washed and pulled all the grapes off the stems for better storage and easier grabbing/packing while I cut veggies

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