I needed to move my blog because of a long story about complicated logins and old email addresses...
Here is my new permanent home:
THIS BLOG HAS MOVED! PLEASE VISIT ME AT MY NEW HOME: http://someoneimperfectlyme.blogspot.com/
Monday, May 27, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Breastfeeding tips
- Even with baby #3, I needed the help of a lactation consultant. The first 6 weeks breastfeeding Zoe were excruciating, with teagan and richmond it was only the first two weeks, so there is improvement. Get a lactation consultant!
- I came up with a trick that helped me with my 2 week old son. He latched okay, but then immediately would finagle a clamped down tight lipped latch. I started just pulling his lower lip down with my thumb and holding it that way until be latched. Even if he didnt open as wide as the ideal, if that lip was pulled don it was okay.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Richmond's Birth Story
Rough night's sleep. Had cramping all night long and a long hard contraction that seemed to last all night.
April 15, 2013-- 39 weeks today
Worried me enough that I called the midwife at 8am. She said a low pressure storm system had moved through town last night and it affected a lot of pregnant moms-- to make sure to drink more water and take some magnesium.
Was on Skype with Seth and telling him what midwife said about the storm and asking him to get magnesium on the way home when my water broke! Can't believe my water broke kicking off all 3 births, but was so happy Seth didn't miss that last one-- we were seconds away from hanging up, saying, "Okay, bye." when it happened! Teagan had been napping on the loveseat--she fell asleep watching 'Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood'.
Called midwife to tell them when my water broke, she said wait for contractions to start. I knew if this labor followed Zoe and Teagan's, they wouldn't start for a bit, but just in case, I wanted to lay low. I wanted to hold off till midnight so he wouldn't be born April 15 and share his birthday with his grandmother, he'd have his own day.
At home, Teagan was amazing, she just cuddled with me and we watched TV till daddy and Zoe got home 2 hours later. No contrax, just leaking fluid.
I called my friend Stacy who was going to be watching Zoe and Teagan and gave her a heads up. I said it could be awhile, but checked that they could stay over tonight. Yes! We planned for Seth to come install cars seats in her minivan when he got home.
I got on Facebook and told a few friends in private messages.
Meanwhile at school, Seth kept the news to himself. He didnt want to be told to go home nor did he want his assistant trying to get involved in the event. So, he waited til his kids were dismissed around 1:15pm and then went down to tell the office, got Zoe, and headed home.
Seth and Zoe get home. We finish getting their overnight bags together, talk to them. Seth holds down the fort while I go shower and take a short nap. Richmond is moving and hiccupping a lot.
I wake up, still no contrax. We decide to have Stacy & family pick the girls up after they finish at soccer, about 6:15pm.
Call Fruitful Vine birth center to ask what comes next-- wanted to call before they closed at 5pm. Ashley, the midwife on call, suggests chilling til the girls get picked up, then going for a walk to try to start contrax.
Zoe and Teagan get picked up and I cry. This will be the first night we ever spend away from either of them. Ever. We go for a walk and call Seth's dad to let him in on the news.
The walk is rough. My back hurts so badly and am having a ton of pressure and nerve pinching. After 25 mins I want to stop. No contrax anyway. We walk home.
Talk to Ashley again. She suggests nipple stimulation to get contrax going. Seth gets the breast pump, but I don't use it yet.
Ashley suggests we meet her at the birth center around 10:30pm. She is with another couple in labor that need to be transferred to the hospital and she will be with them about 2 hours. Seth & I decide to go out to dinner. We bring all of our stuff with us including the breast pump, birth bag, etc. By the time we get to St Johns Town Center it's 9:15pm. We wanted to go back there because that's where we went to walk when I was in labor with Teagan. But, now it's 9:15pm on a Monday night and not much is open.
We go to California Pizza Kitchen. We tell the waitress I'm in labor, they are very nice. I got a club sandwich with avocado, field greens, bacon, onion, tomato (I felt like bacon for labor, whatever!) with a cup of pea soup. daddy got fish tacos. YUM. While we sat and ate, it was nice-- we usually aren't out just the two of us late at night. But, the whole time, my water kept leaking and my pants were soaking wet. I got another of the same sandwich and soup to take to the birth center to eat after I gave birth-- I figured it'd be 3am or something and I'd want something hearty and nothing would be open.
Done with dinner, decide to go for a walk. Short walk, but contrax are starting, tho they are VERY mild. We call Ashley. She says she'll meet us at the birth center in about 20 minutes.
Meet Ashley at the birth center. She checks me and I am NOTHING... not thinned, not dialated, zip. She does her best to sweep my membranes, but my cervix is so far back, she isn't able to do much. She sends me into the birth room to use the breast pump. I do, but it is so painful and is making me so angry and on top of that isn't stimulating contrax, so I stop after some tears and do some walking, then dancing. After an hour or so of this, Ashley comes in and says she's talked to Sharon and how would we feel about trying an enema at home and then going to sleep and waiting for contrax to wake me? Maybe some rest and giving my body time to do it's thing is what we need to do? We were disappointed, but it seemed smart, but I was concerned that at 5:30am was the 18 hour mark of when my water broke and I'd have to be in active labor or they'd transfer me to the hospital to be induced (which I found out is what happened with that couple earlier tonight). She said because of my two previous labors that were similar, they are confident my body will do it, it just seems to take a bit longer. So, that was a relief, though I still wasn't sure exactly how long I had til they would have to transfer me and I knew I shouldn't focus on it.
Well, It's officially April 16! So, we feel a little better that at least we made it past April 15, but at the same time did not think we'd be headed home at this time... at exactly this time we are pumping gas.
April 16, 2013
Into CVS for a Fleet enema! The cashier says, "Looks like you're ready to go!" I say, "Actually, I'm in labor right now." We drive home and I yell at Seth half the way because he is falling asleep and I am upset. I feel like he has no energy and even though we are going home to presumably sleep, what if things pick up? There is no way he can be a good coach as exhausted as he is.
Home! Kind of depressing... and WEIRD without the girls here. I do the enema--- lots of poop, but no contrax. I try to lay down and rest, but I keep feeling like I should be trying harder to go into labor. I kind of wrestle between resting and walking until 3:45am when I finally tell Seth I want to lie down in a bed, so we go and lie together in the loft bed. I am feeling so discouraged. I had gone for a walk around 3am and asked the "skies" for help doing this and kept asking if there was something I was holding on to that was keeping me from going into labor.
Wake up. Ask Seth to go for a walk with me. Intermittent contrax, totally mild and not at all frequent. Call Ashley to come back.
Back at the birth center.
Ashley debates about checking me since I am 19 hours past water breaking. She has to offer me antibiotics because my GBS results never came back, but I waive them. She checks me and says I am thinned and 2cm--and even though it doesn't sound like a lot that is a LOT from where I was at 11pm. She is able to sweep my membranes! (OUCH.)
This was mentally one of the most challenging chunks for me. I felt pessimistic, I was exhausted, and all of a sudden I missed Zoe and Teagan so badly I wanted to stop everything and just go be with them. I kept crying and saying that I missed them. Seth and I were going for walks and not much was happening. It was such a mind-fuck, I have to say. We were exhausted-- no labor before ever took this long, we knew there was some time limit, and nothing seemed to be happening. Suddenly I decided, at 8:30am things would pick up because things picked up with Teagan's birth 2 hours after my membranes were swept. So, at that point, I decided not to start worrying til 8:30am. Meanwhile we had the iPad mini and kept checking Facebook. Part of me felt that was a hindrance, but part of me liked the distraction. Everyone assumed the baby would be born by his point, so I felt pressure and also frustration.
Things picked up! Contrax started coming every 4 minutes! Still, at this point, I felt I'd waited so long I wanted the rest to happen very quickly-- like by 10am. Contrax kept on and I got a burst of positivity and knew this would happen. Contrax kept on but I was wishing they'd come closer. Eventually they were 3 mins apart, but they seems to stay at the 3 min mark forever. Seth starts naming my contrax... Jorge, Sedrick, Monty...
Sharon arrives!!! At some point between here and 10:30am, she checks me and says I have "turned the corner". I don't ask because I know I dilate quickly at the end of labor historically-- after Richmond was born she told me I was 4cm. Lori the birth asst arrives so I get the sense I'm getting closer.
Eventually contrax picked up to a point where they really hurt.
I kept wanting to hug Seth and lean on him or bury my face in his neck, that was very comforting. We were both exhausted after being up most of the night.
I bent over the bathroom sink and just wanted to stay there. Ashley rubbed my back and talked to me reminding me my body was doing the exact right thing to move Richmond out.
Sharon got Rebecca (her daughter who was at Teagan's birth) on Facetime to be at the labor.
The time frame from 10-1 is murky to me... I'm not really sure of the timeline, just the order.
Contrax got really painful and I kept saying, "I'm lucky, I'm lucky, not all women get to do this." I was very aware of my friend Mimi who wound up with an emergency c-section after 3 days of labor, or how I'd spent 10 weeks on bedrest with placenta previa hoping I'd avoid a c-section.
Sharon kept coaching me, I'd firmly tell the contrax, "Open my cervix!" I kept asking if I could just push, but I wasn't dialated enough.
Eventually, I moved to the birthing stool. Seth was behind me. I tried a few pushes but it was so hard. I was crying for awhile now. I remember saying, "I don't think I'm one of those women who is really tough enough for this."
Sharon tells me if I move to the bed she can help me more by pulling back my cervix while I push but it'll hurt more. I say fine. I move to the bed on all fours. I push but it is awful-- I don't think I'll be able to do it. I can't push past the pain it is too bad. It feels like the pushing will never end. Finally, I ask Seth to ge on the iPad and Facetime Mimi. He gets her on the cell on speaker and I yell, "You have to help me! I cannot do this!" From whenever this is (maybe 12:30?) til when Richmond is born, she keeps talking to me. Telling me to take it one contraction at a time. I am trying to push on every contraction but it is so hard-- it feels so much harder than the last two births. I also feel sapped of energy to do it. Finally, I push and start to feel the ring of fire. "Is that his head?!" I scream. They tell me yes. I try to push more, but so tired. Everyone keeps talking to me. I have my face buried in the bed, phone next to my face, tush in the air pushing... it's hard- I keep pushing and pretending I am blowing up a balloon, remembering to bear down. I start to scream which feels better mentally but takes more physical energy.
Sharon tells me to turn on my side for the end. Seth has one leg in the air, the other is on the bed, I am on my side. I am trying so hard to push, but I need help, I just feel weak. I push and feel his head, the pushing goes slow here-- and it feels slow. It's good in the aftermath because there is no tearing (first birth with no stitches!), but I wanted it to be over so badly, I would have taken a tear. This is the first time Seth is on that "end" of me for birth. I don't care, I jus want him to tell me if I seem close. I push and I think it's the last one but Sharon says, "Oh, that's the problem." which panics me, only because I know it means extra pushing. His hand is next to his face. I think it was just one more push after this and Sharon helps me reach down and pull him up. I thank Mimi and say it must have been hard for her to help me.
Richmond is BORN!
I'm crying an exhausted and he's so sweet and coughs and clears his own lungs right away. I am surprised he has dark brown hair-- I really thought it would be red! He seems so little to me and I keep saying to Seth, "Doesn't he seem so much littler than the girls?" and"Wow, he doesn't look like the girls at all, does he?"
Bonding in bed with the sweet boy and daddy and first nursing.
I shower while they clean up and remake the bed. Hard time walking, very hunched over. Shower feels good, I'm cold.
Richmond's exam is done, he's 8 lbs 9oz, 19.25", Apgar of 9.9. So sweet. I am feeling worse than after Teagan's birth. My uterus is in a lot of pain, there is more bleeding apparently because even though the placenta previa resolved, it was still low-lying and caused more bleeding. They have to give me a shot of pitocin in my leg about 20 minutes after Richmond is born to help the bleeding and also some kind of meds in my tush.
Arrive home-- feel like I didn't soak in that time after birth at the birth center, my mind was scattered. Feeling a little sad, wanted to lay with Seth and talk and snuggle Richmond-- we sort of did, but I was so distracted and also feeling bad that we'd left the girls with friends for almost 24 hours.
Stacy & co. bring Zoe and Teagan home!
We have a birthday cake for Richmond!
- Burst blood vessels in both eyes from pushing. 4 days postpartum both eyes look pretty bad.
- Horrible after pains this time, often as strong as the contrax during birth, for first 4 days postpartum
- 12 days postpartum, still bright red bleeding-- longer than previous births, midwife will need to check it if it keeps up past 2 weeks
- Still could write so much more detail, but time is precious, I'll have to leave the story at this!
Saturday, March 30, 2013
"Luxuries" From Pregnancy #1 OR "Enjoy Your First Pregnancy"
ENJOY your first pregnancy!
Here are just some of the "luxuries" I miss from pregnancy #1...
1. Not having two crazy tiny people constantly running and butting into my stomach
2. Being #1 in line in my house to pee... not being trumped by a potty training toddler
3. Dozing off... NOT to be awakened by a 5 year old whining about needing help getting the glue out of the bottle... even though Mommy had set her up nicely with everything she needed in hopes of a 20 minute nap
4. Seeing my husband in our bedroom... mostly I see him in the hall now ;)
5. Quietly waiting for things
6. Just carrying the inner child without anyone else hanging off of my outsides
7. Using my energy for my own projects.
8. Being able to skip making dinner any night I wanted, or several in a row
9. Setting up baby things without fear of them being taken over as "new toys"
10. Reading a book or mag in the waiting room of prenatal visits vs. wrangling snacks and activities to keep my toddler from melting down
11. The only thing waking me up at night was from stuff going on from the child INSIDE, no one on the outside.
12. Not having two tiny sidekicks who are oblivious to my plight.
13. Updating people on my pregnancy without realizing they don't care.
14. Thinking since I'd be breastfeeding I'd be losing the babyweight in 3 months.
15. Knowing my parenting style... I knew it way better before I had kids. :)
All of that said... it's kind of a funny time, these last 3 weeks before baby #3 is due. I do actually love watching my daughters get excited, bored, inquisitive-- all waiting for their brother. And it's nice to hear them vocalize what I feel... "How much longer!?" Also, I feel like my husband and I spend a lot more time laughing about how nuts we must be and feeling closer in our partnership versus being worried about unknowns.
Still... enjoy your first pregnancy!
Here are just some of the "luxuries" I miss from pregnancy #1...
1. Not having two crazy tiny people constantly running and butting into my stomach
2. Being #1 in line in my house to pee... not being trumped by a potty training toddler
3. Dozing off... NOT to be awakened by a 5 year old whining about needing help getting the glue out of the bottle... even though Mommy had set her up nicely with everything she needed in hopes of a 20 minute nap
4. Seeing my husband in our bedroom... mostly I see him in the hall now ;)
5. Quietly waiting for things
6. Just carrying the inner child without anyone else hanging off of my outsides
7. Using my energy for my own projects.
8. Being able to skip making dinner any night I wanted, or several in a row
9. Setting up baby things without fear of them being taken over as "new toys"
10. Reading a book or mag in the waiting room of prenatal visits vs. wrangling snacks and activities to keep my toddler from melting down
11. The only thing waking me up at night was from stuff going on from the child INSIDE, no one on the outside.
12. Not having two tiny sidekicks who are oblivious to my plight.
13. Updating people on my pregnancy without realizing they don't care.
14. Thinking since I'd be breastfeeding I'd be losing the babyweight in 3 months.
15. Knowing my parenting style... I knew it way better before I had kids. :)
All of that said... it's kind of a funny time, these last 3 weeks before baby #3 is due. I do actually love watching my daughters get excited, bored, inquisitive-- all waiting for their brother. And it's nice to hear them vocalize what I feel... "How much longer!?" Also, I feel like my husband and I spend a lot more time laughing about how nuts we must be and feeling closer in our partnership versus being worried about unknowns.
Still... enjoy your first pregnancy!
Sunday, March 24, 2013
A Pregnancy Parody Video
My tenure as a pregnant woman is coming to an end. It's been 3 babies, and 117 weeks with just a handful to go.
The last thing left on my pregnancy bucket list was... making a pregnancy music video with my husband.
I hope it makes you laugh and I hope you share it!
The last thing left on my pregnancy bucket list was... making a pregnancy music video with my husband.
I hope it makes you laugh and I hope you share it!
Monday, March 4, 2013
Savory Cole Slaw
48 days away from my due date today and I had a massive hankerin' for some cole slaw (and boiled peanuts, which are now in hour 3 of boiling... I have no idea what I'm doing there, I just really like them, so a few months ago I dumped a bag of peanuts in a pot with a cup of salt and boiled them for 7 hours, and it seems to work).
Anyway, I don't like sweet slaw-- and even the "unsweet" kind at Publix tastes too sweet to me.
So, thanks to input from 5-6 recipes, here's what I made... and I'm diggin' it.
Savory Cole Slaw
Dressing: Whisk in bottom of large bowl
1/2 cup mayo
1 tbsp spicy mustard
1 tsp honey
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper (or less)
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 head purple cabbage
1/2 head green cabbage
3 large carrots
Shred all in food processor
Add veggies to dressing, mix well, chill
Pic taken with PhotoBooth-- it looks way better than this, but I'm too lazy to take it on my camera...
Anyway, I don't like sweet slaw-- and even the "unsweet" kind at Publix tastes too sweet to me.
So, thanks to input from 5-6 recipes, here's what I made... and I'm diggin' it.
Savory Cole Slaw
Dressing: Whisk in bottom of large bowl
1/2 cup mayo
1 tbsp spicy mustard
1 tsp honey
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp pepper (or less)
3 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1/2 head purple cabbage
1/2 head green cabbage
3 large carrots
Shred all in food processor
Add veggies to dressing, mix well, chill
Pic taken with PhotoBooth-- it looks way better than this, but I'm too lazy to take it on my camera...
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Did I win? The Valentine's Day Contest...
I entered a "How Did You Meet Your Spouse" contest for Valentine's Day...
well, I didn't win, but I come away with a 200 word response to the question, so I'll print it for my 3 children and put it in their memory boxes.
I also made the "top 5" stories interesting enough to share. :) Click to read the contest finalists/winner.
well, I didn't win, but I come away with a 200 word response to the question, so I'll print it for my 3 children and put it in their memory boxes.
I also made the "top 5" stories interesting enough to share. :) Click to read the contest finalists/winner.
Valentine’s Day Contest:
How I Met My Spouse in 100-200 words
by Emily C.
Following graduation, I lived for a year alone in NYC before finally being hired to perform in a sketch comedy group aboard a cruise ship. Job manual in hand, little did I know my future husband was sprinkled on almost every page—in different costumes. A soda jerk, an octopus on stilts, a football player, a clown—in endless explanations of comedy sketches. I moved into my tiny cabin, #4111, which shared a wall with #4113—the cabin he’d vacated just months earlier. After one month performing with my 3 other cast mates, the team captain, Ray, told me I “had to get onstage with Seth somehow”. He said we were the male/female comedy version of each other. One day while in port, Ray had me leave a message on his phone. (We rapped it.) That night, Seth called my cabin and we talked for five hours. Seth flew to Miami a month later to meet me in person—just for the day. Two months later, he replaced a cast member who got a pilot in L.A. Six days into that fill-in, and three months after that first phone call, he pulled out a little black box and asked me to marry him.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Emily's Registry Picks (Must Haves and Must-Nots)

Having two of my closest friends from childhood both pregnant with baby #1 has inspired me to write all the "mommy stuff" I've learned down before it leaks out with my breast milk in 10 weeks.
Mimi and Rachel are my very first pre-Mommy friends to have babies, so it's been really fun chatting with them and remembering what it's like to be on that journey for the first time. I wish so much that we lived closer (one is in L.A. and one in Philly) and could have lunch every week, but am grateful for how easy it is to call/Skype. Mimi and I became kindred spirits instantly when she transferred high schools and joined Drama Club-- the bond deepened after dual breakups plus one of those days in the wilderness where you're put through several "trust" exercises which I took too seriously and Mimi laughed through. Rachel and I declared our best friendship---as you do in 7th grade--- on March 17, 1993. Twenty years later, we're both due with baby boys 7 weeks apart.
I'm going to post some of the stuff I've been sharing with them-- as usual, use what's helpful and toss the rest!
Emily's Must Haves:
- A Moby wrap for months 0-4
-A Two Mommas Half-Buckle Carrier for 4 mos- 4 yrs old (yes, I am serious-- and I have tried 11 carriers over 5 yrs-- I love wearing my babies) I also love that it's just 2 moms hand-making each one
-Best nursing bra of all time--hands down-- and I have spent over $1500 on bras since I got pregs in 2006 OMG... Elomi nursing bra--and best bra site ever: http://www.breakoutbras.com/product/Elomi-Seamless-Underwire-Nursing-Bra/Nursing-Bras
- A Moby wrap for months 0-4
-A Two Mommas Half-Buckle Carrier for 4 mos- 4 yrs old (yes, I am serious-- and I have tried 11 carriers over 5 yrs-- I love wearing my babies) I also love that it's just 2 moms hand-making each one
-Best nursing bra of all time--hands down-- and I have spent over $1500 on bras since I got pregs in 2006 OMG... Elomi nursing bra--and best bra site ever: http://www.breakoutbras.com/product/Elomi-Seamless-Underwire-Nursing-Bra/Nursing-Bras
-Best sleep bra: La Leche League Sleep Bra http://www.breakoutbras.com/product/La-Leche-Pull-Over-Sleep-Bra-4150/Nursing-Sleep-Leisure-Bras
-Aden & Anais Swaddle blankets http://www.amazon.com/aden-anais-Swaddle-Blanket-Boys-N-Toys/dp/B002US8NEK/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1348702940&sr=1-1&keywords=aden+swaddle+blanket
-Fav diapers: Target brand + target wipes in blue package (T had a very bad reaction to the chemicals in Pampers, her poor little vulva got burns! So I tried EVERY type of diaper when she was 1 mo. old-- I mean EVERY kind-- and Target brand won out for me). I have heard girls like Pampers and boys like Huggies--but I am OFF Pampers since they added that DryMax crap in 2010 (lots of girls got the burns).
-Bouncy seat--all my girls used this, love it: http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-K2564-Rainforest-Bouncer/dp/B000I2WB6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1348703258&sr=1-1&keywords=rainforest+bouncy+seat
-Swing-- your baby will either love or hate it-- with both girls it always calmed them the first 6 mos or so. We have had 5 swings, this is my fav. Anything without a plug and you will use $30 of batteries a month. http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Rainforest-Open-Top-Cradle-Swing/dp/B000I2WAY4/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1348703314&sr=1-1&keywords=rainforest+swing
-Big exercise ball-- Daddy figured this one out-- both girls loved to be bounced to sleep by daddy on this and it allowed him to sit
-My fav lullaby CD: http://www.amazon.com/Its-Big-World-renee-jeremy/dp/B000QEJ0X8/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1348703439&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=renee+and+jeremy
-For later on-- Signing Time--it uses true ASL (some other brands are just silly made up "baby" signs) and it is an amazing organization http://www.signingtime.com/ (both my girls sign, and this is how they learned--by 1 yr old)
-Boppy pillow-- it's not the greatest nursing pillow ever, but with both girls, I laid them on it in bed and that is how I co-slept with them-- I know it's not "recommended" but I love it for that
-Aden & Anais Swaddle blankets http://www.amazon.com/aden-anais-Swaddle-Blanket-Boys-N-Toys/dp/B002US8NEK/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1348702940&sr=1-1&keywords=aden+swaddle+blanket
-Fav diapers: Target brand + target wipes in blue package (T had a very bad reaction to the chemicals in Pampers, her poor little vulva got burns! So I tried EVERY type of diaper when she was 1 mo. old-- I mean EVERY kind-- and Target brand won out for me). I have heard girls like Pampers and boys like Huggies--but I am OFF Pampers since they added that DryMax crap in 2010 (lots of girls got the burns).
-Bouncy seat--all my girls used this, love it: http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-K2564-Rainforest-Bouncer/dp/B000I2WB6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1348703258&sr=1-1&keywords=rainforest+bouncy+seat
-Swing-- your baby will either love or hate it-- with both girls it always calmed them the first 6 mos or so. We have had 5 swings, this is my fav. Anything without a plug and you will use $30 of batteries a month. http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Rainforest-Open-Top-Cradle-Swing/dp/B000I2WAY4/ref=sr_1_1?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1348703314&sr=1-1&keywords=rainforest+swing
-Big exercise ball-- Daddy figured this one out-- both girls loved to be bounced to sleep by daddy on this and it allowed him to sit
-My fav lullaby CD: http://www.amazon.com/Its-Big-World-renee-jeremy/dp/B000QEJ0X8/ref=sr_1_cc_1?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1348703439&sr=1-1-catcorr&keywords=renee+and+jeremy
-For later on-- Signing Time--it uses true ASL (some other brands are just silly made up "baby" signs) and it is an amazing organization http://www.signingtime.com/ (both my girls sign, and this is how they learned--by 1 yr old)
-Boppy pillow-- it's not the greatest nursing pillow ever, but with both girls, I laid them on it in bed and that is how I co-slept with them-- I know it's not "recommended" but I love it for that
-I would like to TRY this nursing pillow, but I cannot recommend for or against it yet: http://www.doubleblessings.com/sdbbbl.html
-Name & number of a lactation consultant who does house calls (it makes a big diff. to have them come to your home)
-An infant seat that rear faces to 30 lbs
-My double BOB stroller (but stroller is really personal, you have to figure out what'll work for you!) with swivel front wheel
-Mirror to put up on headrest so you can see baby in car
-Burp cloths (aka Gerber old style cloth diapers)
-baby tylenol
-Hyland's Teething Tablets (by 4 mos)
-Amber teething necklace (I swear by this) got mine here: http://www.amberartisans.com/amtene10.html
the lighter the color better it works
-Crib: do not get a drop side (it is no longer legal anyway). You dont really need one for awhile anyway dep. what you decide. I didnt use one till 6 mos with either baby
-Pack n Play- these are great to leave in the living room so you dont have to schlep--this is close to what we have: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4024389
-Name & number of a lactation consultant who does house calls (it makes a big diff. to have them come to your home)
-An infant seat that rear faces to 30 lbs
-My double BOB stroller (but stroller is really personal, you have to figure out what'll work for you!) with swivel front wheel
-Mirror to put up on headrest so you can see baby in car
-Burp cloths (aka Gerber old style cloth diapers)
-baby tylenol
-Hyland's Teething Tablets (by 4 mos)
-Amber teething necklace (I swear by this) got mine here: http://www.amberartisans.com/amtene10.html
the lighter the color better it works
-Crib: do not get a drop side (it is no longer legal anyway). You dont really need one for awhile anyway dep. what you decide. I didnt use one till 6 mos with either baby
-Pack n Play- these are great to leave in the living room so you dont have to schlep--this is close to what we have: http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4024389
-One of my fav things I did
with both girls was make them personalized stationery at www.vistaprint.com
so I could send thank you notes. (They are really cheap there esp if you
wait for a sale). I got 100 at once and Z's lasted til she was 4!
--Breast shells (not
shields-- I wouldn't rec. shields, tho I know 2 moms who swear by them).
I dont know if you'll need these or not-- I used them with both girls for about
4 weeks. My opinion is--- the MOST imp. thing for you to have prepared
before baby comes is your boobs. Nursing pillow, nursing bra, breast
shells, coconut oil, etc--- because from 1 minute old you need that stuff-- the
baby only cares about your boobs, not cribs or anything else. The breast
shells helped me because it gives them some space to absorb the coconut oil and
not rub against fabric--- I found them priceless the first few weeks.
Anyway-- when you want these things, you do NOT want your husband leaving you
even for an hour, or wait for amazon.com-- you want it in 1 second! I
think it's worth the $10 even if you don't use it, because at 3am you'll be glad
if you end up wanting the stuff.
-I also really liked the cloth nursing pads--- I stopped leaking at 10 weeks with both--but I like the cloth ones better, just my personal thing!
-I also really liked the cloth nursing pads--- I stopped leaking at 10 weeks with both--but I like the cloth ones better, just my personal thing!
-100% Virgin Coconut Oil—so
important! For use on nipples
before and after each feeding--- natural antifungal + prevents thrush + makes
it too slippery for baby to really hurt you. Get a jar (shelf stable for 2 yrs) and buy a bottle —wash that bottle out, and keep coconut oil in it so you can use
the dropper to apply it.
-My fav. Diaper bag is the
Skip Hop bag because it comes with special clips to clip to a cart or stroller,
and once I had 2 kids, I lost the “spot” for my bag, so it was great http://www.skiphop.com/product/22000.html
-I got a pencil pouch and in
it I put: band aids, Neosporin, nail clippers, baby spoons, straws, indiv.
Clean Well wipes, hand sani, comb, etc—put it in my diaper bag.
-Nursing bracelet (you can use any bracelet you have and just switch wrsts, or order one of these
Emily's "Why did I waste my money on this stupid thing?":
- A Maya wrap (esp for bigger boob mamas, sucky)
-Any other swaddle blanket people say they like ;)
-Any nursing cover-- I tucked an Aden & Anais blanket into my bra strap and it was way easier and just the most amazing material
-Cloth diapers-- okay I have never used them, BUT I have watched four friends' kids that wore them and had to change them and I couldn't handle it--even just pee... and I am VERY eco-friendly! But, I don't regret using disposable.
-Any swing that had no plug-- we went thru 4 that all pooped out
-wipe warmer, bottle warmer
-umbrella stroller
Emily's "Why did I waste my money on this stupid thing?":
- A Maya wrap (esp for bigger boob mamas, sucky)
-Any other swaddle blanket people say they like ;)
-Any nursing cover-- I tucked an Aden & Anais blanket into my bra strap and it was way easier and just the most amazing material
-Cloth diapers-- okay I have never used them, BUT I have watched four friends' kids that wore them and had to change them and I couldn't handle it--even just pee... and I am VERY eco-friendly! But, I don't regret using disposable.
-Any swing that had no plug-- we went thru 4 that all pooped out
-wipe warmer, bottle warmer
-umbrella stroller
-Moses basket
-Moses basket
A great new registry site where you can put ALL the stores on one site:
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Nursing Baskets
A nursing basket is a nice idea for a second (or third!) time mom IF you know they are going to be nursing. I like this for a Baby Sprinkle gift.
Breastfeeding can be a challenge for a number of reasons--- but one of them that is EASILY solved is that you inevitably settle in and forget something... you get it, settle in, and have forgotten something else. In a fragile postpartum state, this can be enough to send you into tears.
For other breastfeeding challenges-- bookmark this site: www.kellymom.com
Please know that SO many of us have been there and it doesn't always come "naturally" like we think it should, but it is so worth it. For me, especially with my first, those first 6 weeks were filled with SO many tears, but then things got much better!
Two of my oldest friends who are pregnant with #1 liked the idea when I was mentioning it, so this post is for them so they can set up their own (since they, sadly, live 2,440 and 892 miles away from where I live). Shout out to Mimi and Rachel due just weeks apart from me, yippee!
Cost of project:
Depending on how much you want to deck out your basket, you can make a pretty simple one for $10-15 including the basket. The trick for me was starting 2 months ahead so you can stock up on sales. (Luna bars, lotions, chapsticks, etc.)
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves--and this is the note I laminate and tuck inside:
Breastfeeding can be a challenge for a number of reasons--- but one of them that is EASILY solved is that you inevitably settle in and forget something... you get it, settle in, and have forgotten something else. In a fragile postpartum state, this can be enough to send you into tears.
For other breastfeeding challenges-- bookmark this site: www.kellymom.com
Please know that SO many of us have been there and it doesn't always come "naturally" like we think it should, but it is so worth it. For me, especially with my first, those first 6 weeks were filled with SO many tears, but then things got much better!
Two of my oldest friends who are pregnant with #1 liked the idea when I was mentioning it, so this post is for them so they can set up their own (since they, sadly, live 2,440 and 892 miles away from where I live). Shout out to Mimi and Rachel due just weeks apart from me, yippee!
Cost of project:
Depending on how much you want to deck out your basket, you can make a pretty simple one for $10-15 including the basket. The trick for me was starting 2 months ahead so you can stock up on sales. (Luna bars, lotions, chapsticks, etc.)
I'll let the pictures speak for themselves--and this is the note I laminate and tuck inside:
In your
nursing basket…
This nursing basket can be
kept in any place you regularly nurse, it’s nice to have one by the couch and
one by your bed. I am one of those
moms whose babies have looooooooooong nursing sessions and I’m always
forgetting—or wishing I had—one of these things over the 45 minute session, so
I love having a portable “nursing station”. I hope you find this basket useful!
Happy nursing! -Emily
1. Coconut oil*
2. Disposable nursing pads (in case all
your cloth ones are all drip-drying!)
3. Burp cloth for wiping spills
4. Water
5. Lotion & chapstick
6. Hair ties
7. Snacks
8. Bracelet (for remembering which side
you last nursed on)
9. Pen & paper
on your own:
1. Book/magazine
2. TV remote
4. Phone
5. Swaddle blanket (doubles as a cover)
6. Laptop/iPad
Tips: Let your older “baby” help you keep this stocked. Keep this
checklist tucked at the bottom.
My favorite lactation
consultant in town: Kristin
Gartner: 904.568.0581
*Coconut oil is safe
for baby to eat and is a natural anti-fungal, so it prevents thrush. It’s slippery, so helps prevent
cracking or sore nipples. It must
be 100% virgin coconut oil.
Coconut oil is also great for infant massage, and take a tablespoon to
increase your milk supply. You can
read more about coconut oil by Googling “coconut oil & breastfeeding”.
Also-- for the bracelet, if you want to splurge, I do like these.
(I just had my 5 year old make the ones pictured below.)
All the items listed for 2 nursing baskets |
Small cup to hold the tiny stuff: Pen, Lactation Consultant business card, Coconut Oil, Chapstick |
(I just had my 5 year old make the ones pictured below.)
Completed nursing basket! |
A simpler version of the basket I made as my upstairs basket |
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Coconut Oil... make your own dispenser
***Please talk to your lactation consultant before following my advice. (Although, question it if they say something that conflicts with the below info!)
I learned about coconut oil in 2010 after having my second baby.
I HATED using lanolin on my nipples for breastfeeding with my first baby and WISH I'd known about coconut oil! My lactation consultant for baby #2 told me about it when baby was just 48 hours old, and it's my mission to pass the info along to as many nursing moms as I can!
First--- let me post just a little about the uses and benefits. But-- just a LITTLE-- because this post is more about how to make your own dropper bottle full of coconut oil.
Click here to read WAY more about coconut oil.
Coconut oil is (obviously) very oily and pretty much only comes in a jar. I decided to use an empty infant Tylenol bottle (well-rinsed) back in 2010 to drop it directly onto my nipples to avoid it all over my hands--it was also quicker, more discreet, and I could even just pull my bra cup out a little any time and drop it on there. TIP-- Only use with nursing pads, or you may oil stain your shirt or bra.
A smaller bottle also makes it easier to quickly warm up. (Sometimes I'd go to dip my finger in the jar and it would be solid-- coconut oil solidifies at 75 degrees!) Because I have huge boobs, esp when nursing-- I actually warm it UNDER my breast in a bout 30 seconds. But you could warm it between your legs. :)
I am pregnant with #3 and wanted to make a few more dropper bottles... and it seems infant Tylenol now no longer has a dropper, but a syringe. BLERG!
But-- turned out to be a good thing, because I found these awesome glass droppers on Amazon.
Needs/ cost for project:
$12.71/ 12 glass bottles, 1oz each
$9/ jar of virgin unrefined coconut oil (must be unrefined) usually sold in 14 oz bottle
Labels, funnel, & contact paper I had around the house
So-- these bottles are great because they are only about $1 a bottle, they are glass, so you don't have any "leachy" plastic, they are brown so the oil stays less damaged by light.
I learned about coconut oil in 2010 after having my second baby.
I HATED using lanolin on my nipples for breastfeeding with my first baby and WISH I'd known about coconut oil! My lactation consultant for baby #2 told me about it when baby was just 48 hours old, and it's my mission to pass the info along to as many nursing moms as I can!
First--- let me post just a little about the uses and benefits. But-- just a LITTLE-- because this post is more about how to make your own dropper bottle full of coconut oil.
Click here to read WAY more about coconut oil.
- Safe for baby and easy to digest
- Helps make nipples more slippery which makes it hard for baby to damage your nipple (this is my #1 reason I use it, no more cracked, bleeding nipples!)
- Coconut oil is anti-bacterial--prevents thrush
- 3.5 tbsp per day increases milk supply!
- Great for baby massage
- Great to prevent diaper rash
Coconut oil is (obviously) very oily and pretty much only comes in a jar. I decided to use an empty infant Tylenol bottle (well-rinsed) back in 2010 to drop it directly onto my nipples to avoid it all over my hands--it was also quicker, more discreet, and I could even just pull my bra cup out a little any time and drop it on there. TIP-- Only use with nursing pads, or you may oil stain your shirt or bra.
A smaller bottle also makes it easier to quickly warm up. (Sometimes I'd go to dip my finger in the jar and it would be solid-- coconut oil solidifies at 75 degrees!) Because I have huge boobs, esp when nursing-- I actually warm it UNDER my breast in a bout 30 seconds. But you could warm it between your legs. :)
I am pregnant with #3 and wanted to make a few more dropper bottles... and it seems infant Tylenol now no longer has a dropper, but a syringe. BLERG!
But-- turned out to be a good thing, because I found these awesome glass droppers on Amazon.
Needs/ cost for project:
$12.71/ 12 glass bottles, 1oz each
$9/ jar of virgin unrefined coconut oil (must be unrefined) usually sold in 14 oz bottle
Labels, funnel, & contact paper I had around the house
So-- these bottles are great because they are only about $1 a bottle, they are glass, so you don't have any "leachy" plastic, they are brown so the oil stays less damaged by light.
1 oz bottles
Just to give you a scale--AA battery next to the bottle for size
Shipping labels, 2" x 4", cut about 1/2 centimeter off the top before sticking them on the bottles
I tried ModPodge first, but contact paper seemed like the better choice. You can't quite see it here, but it ModPodge made it pucker a bit and didn't seem as water-tight. It might get oily no matter what you do, but contact paper should cut down on a gross outer bottle.
Finished bottles!
Showing you north/east/west/south of the bottles. :)
Shared sibling bedroom: 2 older girls + baby boy
Well, it's the third trimester... and if I learned anything from the first two pregnancies, it's that if the urge strikes to knock an item off your to-do list, DO IT. The urge will likely not strike again.
So- the toddler bed has been converted, Rainforest mobile dusted off, hand-me-downs (such sweet ones, too!) from older cousins sorted and put away...
and I'll allow myself to feel gloriously on top of everything for the 5 minutes it all stays organized.
Here are the pictures:
We live in a 2 bedroom, so these three sibs will share a room (though we co-sleep, so perhaps not for awhile--and by that point we hope to be moved to a bigger place anyway--but that's an entirely different post!)...
This little crib/highchair set was a Hanukkah present for my 2 yr old and she LOVES it. Hoping it comes in handy when she wants to "do" everything I'm doing. $20! (And made in the USA, which floored me.)
The changing table is in the hallway (not pictured) --it just seemed more practical. It's right at the top of the steps, so just as easy to access from downstairs and upstairs.
So- the toddler bed has been converted, Rainforest mobile dusted off, hand-me-downs (such sweet ones, too!) from older cousins sorted and put away...
and I'll allow myself to feel gloriously on top of everything for the 5 minutes it all stays organized.
Here are the pictures:
We live in a 2 bedroom, so these three sibs will share a room (though we co-sleep, so perhaps not for awhile--and by that point we hope to be moved to a bigger place anyway--but that's an entirely different post!)...
This little crib/highchair set was a Hanukkah present for my 2 yr old and she LOVES it. Hoping it comes in handy when she wants to "do" everything I'm doing. $20! (And made in the USA, which floored me.)
The changing table is in the hallway (not pictured) --it just seemed more practical. It's right at the top of the steps, so just as easy to access from downstairs and upstairs.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
Diaper Bag for newborn, 3 yr old (and 6 yr old)
So, I am pregnant with #3, in my 3rd trimester and figured I should document my diaper bag "prowess" now before I forget. PACKING YOUR DIAPER BAG IS YOUR OWN PERSONAL THING, but hopefully this is a good jumping off point for you. (This bag is packed for an exclusively breastfed baby, so if you're doing formula, you'll want bottles, formula, etc.)
Disclaimer: I have never gotten my diaper bag to stay organized for more than 10 days straight. One pee accident during potty training, one poopy blowout (poop-splosion), one extra long doctor visit that depletes all the snacks-- and I'm back to having to restock, clean, and re-organize--but here is the base:
My bag is set up for a newborn + my 3 year old daughter (just when I stopped taking a diaper bag!), and my 6 year old, though not much in there for her besides snacks and crayons.
I don't know when you ever stop having one of these bags... I think you just abandon it for a big purse once the youngest is 3, that's what I did with my last two--tho if it's a longer outing I still kept it in the car, I just didn't lug it everywhere like you do the first 18 mos. I cannot imagine not having wipes and a snack no matter how old ANYONE is at this point-- those 2 are the "lip gloss & mascara" of your baby bag. :)
Please comment below with other stuff you keep in your bag!
-3 extra diapers in a Ziploc (somehow everything gets damp now and then)
-1 package wipes (and once it's less than half full, I swap it out at home for a fuller package)
-Pens, paper, and contact cards
-2 pads (postpartum or just in case of unexpected period, tho Diva Cup is my preference)
-Thin coloring book
-1-2 children's books for reading
-1 teething toy
-1 other toy
-1 swaddle blanket--Aden & Anais brand (doubles as a nursing cover when tucked into bra strap)
-1 receiving blanket (I use this to lay on the floor as a changing pad OR to let the baby have a play area-- I prefer it to a bulky changing pad)
-Water bottle, mommy
-Water bottle, 3 yr old
-Snacks: granola or nuts for mom, fruit strips, raisins, etc for toddler--things that won't go bad
-Roll of baggies for pee-pee accident clothes or poopy diapers
-Crayons (Crayola Twistables so they don't break)
-Print-out of your routine
-Hand sanitizer in caribbeaner off the handle
-Change of clothes for each kid in a ziploc (if you have girls and it isn't cold, sundresses are the easiest)
-Emergency $5 hidden in a side pocket
-Newborn hat
-Disp. nursing pads (6)
-Moby Wrap
-Burp cloth
-Sewing kit (not really nec. but this one is so tiny, I keep it in there)
-Purse---- once my oldest was about a year old, I realized how much I missed having my own purse and how annoying it was to keep transferring items-- so I got a small enough purse to hold my wallet, phone, calendar, mints, and a very tiny makeup bag and I just plop it in the top of the diaper bag. Then I either take just the purse if I am going out alone, or take the entire thing if I have one of my kids with me.
My favorite diaper bag is the Skip Hop Jump.
Pencil pouch containing: first aid kit with band-aids & Neosporin, straws, 2 baby spoons, nail clippers, sunscreen, comb, hair ties, fork/spoon, natural bug repellant, chapstick, lotion.
Disclaimer: I have never gotten my diaper bag to stay organized for more than 10 days straight. One pee accident during potty training, one poopy blowout (poop-splosion), one extra long doctor visit that depletes all the snacks-- and I'm back to having to restock, clean, and re-organize--but here is the base:
My bag is set up for a newborn + my 3 year old daughter (just when I stopped taking a diaper bag!), and my 6 year old, though not much in there for her besides snacks and crayons.
I don't know when you ever stop having one of these bags... I think you just abandon it for a big purse once the youngest is 3, that's what I did with my last two--tho if it's a longer outing I still kept it in the car, I just didn't lug it everywhere like you do the first 18 mos. I cannot imagine not having wipes and a snack no matter how old ANYONE is at this point-- those 2 are the "lip gloss & mascara" of your baby bag. :)
Please comment below with other stuff you keep in your bag!
-3 extra diapers in a Ziploc (somehow everything gets damp now and then)
-1 package wipes (and once it's less than half full, I swap it out at home for a fuller package)
-Pens, paper, and contact cards
-2 pads (postpartum or just in case of unexpected period, tho Diva Cup is my preference)
-Thin coloring book
-1-2 children's books for reading
-1 teething toy
-1 other toy
-1 swaddle blanket--Aden & Anais brand (doubles as a nursing cover when tucked into bra strap)
-1 receiving blanket (I use this to lay on the floor as a changing pad OR to let the baby have a play area-- I prefer it to a bulky changing pad)
-Water bottle, mommy
-Water bottle, 3 yr old
-Snacks: granola or nuts for mom, fruit strips, raisins, etc for toddler--things that won't go bad
-Roll of baggies for pee-pee accident clothes or poopy diapers
-Crayons (Crayola Twistables so they don't break)
-Print-out of your routine
-Hand sanitizer in caribbeaner off the handle
-Change of clothes for each kid in a ziploc (if you have girls and it isn't cold, sundresses are the easiest)
-Emergency $5 hidden in a side pocket
-Newborn hat
-Disp. nursing pads (6)
-Moby Wrap
-Burp cloth
-Sewing kit (not really nec. but this one is so tiny, I keep it in there)
-Purse---- once my oldest was about a year old, I realized how much I missed having my own purse and how annoying it was to keep transferring items-- so I got a small enough purse to hold my wallet, phone, calendar, mints, and a very tiny makeup bag and I just plop it in the top of the diaper bag. Then I either take just the purse if I am going out alone, or take the entire thing if I have one of my kids with me.
My favorite diaper bag is the Skip Hop Jump.
Pencil pouch containing: first aid kit with band-aids & Neosporin, straws, 2 baby spoons, nail clippers, sunscreen, comb, hair ties, fork/spoon, natural bug repellant, chapstick, lotion.
How to swaddle a newborn
I just YouTubed "How to swaddle a baby" and was disappointed by the videos for a variety of reasons. (The #1 reason was almost all of them were swaddled WAY too loose to "count" as swaddling.)
Check definition #3:
swad·dle (sw
Check definition #3:
swad·dle (sw


tr.v. swad·dled, swad·dling, swad·dles
1. To wrap or bind in bandages; swathe.
2. To wrap (a baby) in swaddling clothes.
3. To restrain or restrict.
Anyway--- as I sit here pregnant with #3, I realize for the amount of friends I showed my version of swaddling to we should have a made a video by now.
We swaddled baby #1 til 7 mos and baby #2 til 9 mos. We swear by it, and while we know everyone has different things that work, hope this video helps you swaddle if you're planning on it!

To-Do List for Baby #3
To-Do List before Baby #3 arrives:
Here is my list which includes preparing the transition from family of four to family of five.
I hope it's useful to you! Click the "to do" items that have links for a guide to that item.
(Z= my almost 6 year old, T= my almost 3 year old)
Ideally before 37 weeks:
During Spring Break:
Week before due date:
Here is my list which includes preparing the transition from family of four to family of five.
I hope it's useful to you! Click the "to do" items that have links for a guide to that item.
(Z= my almost 6 year old, T= my almost 3 year old)
Ideally before 37 weeks:
- Install carseat behind driver, move Z to 3rd row of minivan, move T to Z's old spot for easy carpool pickup✓
- Convert toddler bed back to a crib/raise mattress/ put on mobile ✓
- Put swing together and bring downstairs ✓
- Figure out a Plan A, B, C for where the girls will go during labor AND add "pick-up" names to the school list ✓
- Collect hand-me-downs! ✓
- Purge girls' clothes they've outgrown ✓
- Pack bag for birth center/shop for the supplies I need to bring there✓
- Re-pack diaper bag for a newborn/3yr old/6 yr old ✓
- Write thank you notes as gifts come ✓
- Buy 2 more nursing bras (diff sizes) + at least 1 new sleep bra ✓
- Buy a new nursing pillow ✓
- Stockpile things like: crackers, pretzels, granola bars, etc.
- Make 2 nursing baskets (1 for upstairs, 1 for downstairs) ✓
- Get BIG SISTER gifts: For Z ✓ For T ✓
- Take family maternity pictures ✓
- Prepare an activity basket for Z&T for when I'm nursing
- Pack a "labor" bag for Z+T ✓ and put instructions inside✓
- Make labels of everyone we'll send a baby annc. to ✓
- Create baby annc/thank you notes, etc on Vistaprint, then just insert a pic once he's born and mail! ✓
- Buy stamps, 3 books ✓
- Buy contact paper, put a large piece in baby book (to cover inky footprints) ✓ put baby book in labor bag ✓
- Take each girl on a mommy date/daddy date
- Call the mohel to confirm we're on his calendar ✓
- Get supplies on mohel's list for brit milah (circumcision)✓
- Prepare a few meals and freeze
- Arrange menu for brit and ask for help if needed✓
- Update Family Manual ✓ and print 3 copies ✓
- Stock the stockpile so that I don't have to buy any non-food items for at least 8 weeks (shampoo✓, razors✓, toilet paper, toothpaste, diapers✓, wipes, etc.)
- Make "Labor Playlist"✓, sync with iPod ✓
During Spring Break:
- Steam clean carpets✓
- Pay bills ahead if possible, clear all paperwork from desk
- Carseats✓
Week before due date:
- Charge cameras
- Dust/Vacuum ✓
- Buy a small birthday cake at Publix, freeze
- Shave!
- Do a fun date with the family
- Celebrate T's 3rd birthday, low key (on bday)
After baby arrives:
- Have a birthday party!
- Add to insurance
- Call the mohel, figure out date of brit milah
- Send announcements
- Put annc. in paper
- Thank you notes
- Make an appt with the pediatrician
- Take newborn pics 7-10 days postpartum
- Update Family Manual
- Update will/ open savings acct, etc.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Food Prepping for the Week
I can't tell you how many things I have looked up on Pinterest to try to get my food situation for my family of 4 (soon to be 5) organized, budget-trimmed, and non-food-wasting by Jan. 1, 2013.
Well, here are my first efforts.
My inspiration comes from this blog:
(You can also find her various Mason Jar Salad recipes there.)
I do think of all the things I have read, the most important is to PREP everything before you put your groceries away right when you get home. So-- if you buy a bag of carrots--- wash and cut them up before they ever enter the fridge.
I also bought a bunch of square and rectangle storage in different sizes for easier fits (than circles). I wish they were ALL glass, but the plastic was under $1 each compared to $9 for the glass Versaware I covet (and own 3 pieces of). My hope is to slowly replace these and meanwhile ONLY use them to store and organize fresh foods (never anything hot, etc). I am thinking of them as organizational bins. The size I used the most of were the 64 oz rectangular bins.
First-- I tried all sorts of "The Perfect Grocery List", but in the end, I used this list, which I love-- I hope that link has longevity-- it's: http://www.grocerylists.org/ultimatest/
I use the vegetarian one.
So-- my prep this week consisted of:
-Cleaning out the entire fridge and freezer and labeling shelves
-5 smoothies
-24 applesauce oatmeal muffins
-Cut veggies: cauli, broccoli, carrots, peppers
-1 mason jar salad (want to see how we like it first)
-2 school lunches
-Hard boiling 8 eggs
-Prepping 1 bag dry black beans
-Prepping 1 cup (dry) steel cut oats
It wasn't terribly exhaustive-- the hardest part as I'm sure many of you moms know-- was doing this with my 5 and 2 yr olds running around. (Last day of Winter Break can be rough.) It took me 3 hours including all interruptions, but I wasn't terribly efficient this time.
Here are some pictures that I hope help you kickstart your own prep. I'd like to have done more, but am 6 mos pregnant and figured I'd start slow. My goal is to be in the swing of this by the time baby comes, otherwise, it'll for sure be another thing I pinned the crap out of and only did once. ;) Most blogs I saw said it takes them just 60-90 minutes now to prep for the week.
Definitely worth it to me for the two biggest reasons:
1. Waste less money
2. Waste less time during the week
(I know healthy snacks for weight loss are many peoples top reason, but right now I want to save time and money!)
Good luck!
Well, here are my first efforts.
My inspiration comes from this blog:
(You can also find her various Mason Jar Salad recipes there.)
I do think of all the things I have read, the most important is to PREP everything before you put your groceries away right when you get home. So-- if you buy a bag of carrots--- wash and cut them up before they ever enter the fridge.
I also bought a bunch of square and rectangle storage in different sizes for easier fits (than circles). I wish they were ALL glass, but the plastic was under $1 each compared to $9 for the glass Versaware I covet (and own 3 pieces of). My hope is to slowly replace these and meanwhile ONLY use them to store and organize fresh foods (never anything hot, etc). I am thinking of them as organizational bins. The size I used the most of were the 64 oz rectangular bins.
First-- I tried all sorts of "The Perfect Grocery List", but in the end, I used this list, which I love-- I hope that link has longevity-- it's: http://www.grocerylists.org/ultimatest/
I use the vegetarian one.
So-- my prep this week consisted of:
-Cleaning out the entire fridge and freezer and labeling shelves
-5 smoothies
-24 applesauce oatmeal muffins
-Cut veggies: cauli, broccoli, carrots, peppers
-1 mason jar salad (want to see how we like it first)
-2 school lunches
-Hard boiling 8 eggs
-Prepping 1 bag dry black beans
-Prepping 1 cup (dry) steel cut oats
It wasn't terribly exhaustive-- the hardest part as I'm sure many of you moms know-- was doing this with my 5 and 2 yr olds running around. (Last day of Winter Break can be rough.) It took me 3 hours including all interruptions, but I wasn't terribly efficient this time.
Here are some pictures that I hope help you kickstart your own prep. I'd like to have done more, but am 6 mos pregnant and figured I'd start slow. My goal is to be in the swing of this by the time baby comes, otherwise, it'll for sure be another thing I pinned the crap out of and only did once. ;) Most blogs I saw said it takes them just 60-90 minutes now to prep for the week.
Definitely worth it to me for the two biggest reasons:
1. Waste less money
2. Waste less time during the week
(I know healthy snacks for weight loss are many peoples top reason, but right now I want to save time and money!)
Good luck!
#1 Applesauce Muffins
Applesauce Muffin recipe: http://www.tasteofhome.com/Recipes/Applesauce-Cinnamon-Oat-Muffins
These will be my go-to breakfast item-- for the entire family.
NO butter in these! :)
I followed the recipe exactly, except I doubled it, used 2 whole eggs, and used an entire jar of organic applesauce--24 oz. (Which is just a few extra tbsps applesauce).
These are DENSE, but pretty healthy, and go great with a cup of tea.
#2 Smoothies
5 ziplocs-- in each one:
1 cut up banana, 4 frozen strawbs, 1 tbsp flax meal, 2-3 spinach leaves
Grab one, dump in blender & add 1 cup almond milk for a smoothie
#3 Veggies
Cut up carrots (I don't peel, I like the skin, but peel now if you are a peeler.) Cut up broccoli, celery, cauli, red and green peppers, etc-- put a small amount of fresh water at the bottom of the containers of celery & carrot.
#4 Mason Jar Salad--
on the site I reference above, she has tons of different mason jar salads-- they stay good for 5 days and you just put dressing in and shake it up!
Applesauce muffins are cooled and going into storage-- the 64 oz container fits 12 muffins. 12 into the freezer, and 12 on the counter.
2 school lunches (adult and 5 yr old)-- I just kept taking leftovers and putting them into their lunches as I prepped.
12 muffins and the 5 smoothies in the freezer-- sectioned off in their bins :)
My two "prep shelves"-- food prepped & ready to be added to something...
Cut up veggies, hardboiled eggs, beans, grapes, cooked steel cut oats all on my "prep" shelf.
Cut up veggies, hardboiled eggs, beans, grapes, cooked steel cut oats all on my "prep" shelf.
Fridge cleaned out!!!!
Top- Drinks, yogurt, eggs
Next 2- Prep shelves
Drawer- Cheeses/Dairy
Shelf under dairy drawer- Leftovers
Top drawer- Salad Veggies
Bottom drawer- Other Veggies (broc, etc), Fruit
Top- Drinks, yogurt, eggs
Next 2- Prep shelves
Drawer- Cheeses/Dairy
Shelf under dairy drawer- Leftovers
Top drawer- Salad Veggies
Bottom drawer- Other Veggies (broc, etc), Fruit
My girls (2 and 5 yrs) washed and pulled all the grapes off the stems for better storage and easier grabbing/packing while I cut veggies
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